Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Grand Finale

This will be my last blog entree I know is too soon and It might sound a little irregular but something’s are better off left alone. I’ve learned a lot about myself and other things and people but I think is best I let this dream go. Don’t think I ran of material because I didn’t I just feel these things take time and most importantly dedication, my heart is in it but the timing is not right. Life has shown its true colors and there are a lot of white walls to paint so this one would have to wait for another life time. I want to apologize to my “Readers” about this but sometimes we grownups have to make grown up decision. This will be a chapter in my life in which I hope I can show or maybe even teach my kids, friends, godsons or maybe even a stranger about. I hope that you guys enjoyed my mini series, jokes and the crazy lifestyle I live and other things I wrote about. I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends, brothers, and readers for tuning in week after week and showing me all this support. I know it’s a little of a letdown but when the cards are down the chips go up.

I’ll see you guys in another lifetime maybe under some other circumstances I wish all you guys the best and don’t ever let these things go. If you have a dream don’t wake up, keep dreaming cause at the end of the day dreams are the only thing that never end.


BulleT said...

Damn i will miss it. This post was certainly Deep...

Press Play said...

Mr. Freeky,

Don't leave your avid out there to starve!

If you planning on stepping away from this at least leave us something to wait on, like a book, movie scripts, new blogs or websites to look for something! Your writings keep improving and the more you write the closer you come to discovering the character you are when you write.

Keep it going or let one of your appprentices take over :)
