Friday, June 26, 2009

Summers on Pinehurst..../...Moonwalk in the Rain....

I remember it like if was yesterday it was one of those rainy summer nights i mean its rainy cats and dogs outside..i look out my mothers room window when i look through Tury's kitchen window and see him doing homework and i also see Richard..aka R.Kelly at the time in front of his building. I decide to go downstairs to just chill and enjoy the rain when i tell myself "you know what will be really funny..if i moonwalk in the rain"..don't ask me why i did it but i did..i run across the street and i start to moonwalk in the middle of the street in the rain..yeah in the rain.. singing and screaming Michael Jackson songs.Now the funny thing is that Richard is there laughing at me make an ass out myself but i don't see it in that way i think hes enjoying what I'm doing.. what a fucking idiot i was.. but wait lets not forget Tury in this hes standing looking out his kitchen window watching me make a complete fool out myself just so that tomorrow he can have jokes all day on me. I will never live that down and till this day Tury and many of my other Friends make fun of me. I hope if someday i have kids they don't hear about that because if they do they might just denied me..

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Wow...thats funny cause I read this and I can so visualize all of that going on. It's amazing how life just passes you by, that must have been a long time ago, or maybe not, do you still sit outside in the corner? ;-)...I can visualize that also, just like it was yesterday.